Regulations are now being drafted and reviewed that would place certain labeling and recordkeeping requirement on companies moving firewood across state borders. According the USDA, in essence the regulations would require that the location of the production facility of the firewood be on the label, along with the county or counties from which the trees used to produce the firewood were harvested. If a treatment was applied, then a final labeling element would be required to verify heat treatment and the schedule.
the record keeping side, firewood producers would need to keep and provide upon
request records of where, from whom, and in what quantities they received the wood used
to make the firewood. The same is required for shipments of firewood to
customers. The USDA says that they are not considering any requirement on
information about the costs of or revenues received from those
transactions. Firewood distributors would need to keep similar records
(volume received and from whom, volume sold or shipped and to
whom). Retailers would need records of incoming inventory and total sales

labeling and record keeping requirements described above are predicated on the
National Firewood Task Forces’ (NFTF) recommendations for best management
practices for firewood. That document can be found here (among other
places on the internet):
is the initial notice about the upcoming review process.
Regulation of Firewood
Legal Authority: 7 U.S.C.
7701 to 7772; 7 U.S.C. 7781 to 7786.
Abstract: This rulemaking
would require that commercial firewood
destined to be moved interstate be affixed with a label on which the county and State, or counties and
States, in which the wood from which the firewood was produced was harvested,
the site at which the firewood was produced, what phytosanitary treatment, if
any, the firewood has received, and contact information for reporting
detections of suspected plant pests are prominently and legibly displayed. We
would also require firewood producers, distributors, and retailers to
retain records regarding the
manufacturing, purchase, and sale of the firewood. Although the movement of
commercial firewood in interstate commerce can be a pathway for numerous plant
pests, this movement is currently largely unregulated. This action would aid in
preventing the further dissemination of plant pests within the United States
through the interstate movement of firewood.
FR Cite
NPRM................................ 11/00/13
Comment Period End.............
Regulatory Flexibility
Analysis Required: Yes.
Agency Contact: Paul
Chaloux, National Program Manager, Emergency
Domestic Programs, PPQ, Department of Agriculture, Animal and Plant
Inspection Service, 4700 River Road, Unit 137, Riverdale, MD
Phone: 301 851-2064.
RIN: 0579-AD49
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