The EPA has begun to release what will likely be their new proposed emission standards for wood and pellet stoves, boilers and other appliances. EPA is proposing to match the Washington State standards that they adopted in 1995 of 4.5 grams an hour for wood and pellet stoves and 2.5 grams and hour for catalytic stoves. Indoor and outdoor boilers would be held to 0.32 lb. / mmBTU heat output by 2014 and 0.15 lb. / mmBTU heat output for 2016.
April 2011 - Oregon Bans Phase 2 Outdoor Boilers
Oregon recently adopted a rule that prohibits the sale of any solid fuel-burning device that is not certified for sale by the DEQ or by the EPA. This mainly affects outdoor wood boilers and single burn rate wood stoves. These devices are no longer exempt in Oregon. Pellet stoves, masonry heaters, cook stoves, fireplaces and antique stoves continue to be exempt. This policy, similar to ones in Washington State, has the unfortunate result in also banning the cleanest indoor pellet boilers, including those that have so successfully started replacing fossil fuel boilers in Europe.
May 2011 - Solar Pellet Focus
The new pellet boiler OCTOplus by Solafocus recently received the "Energie Genie 2011" innovation award. The boiler combines solar and biomass technology into a fully automated system, with both a pellet burner and a 500-liter (130 Gallon) solar accumulator tank. System advantages include high efficiency (94%), compactness, simple hydraulic integration, an innovative control system, intuitive operation and a large removable ash pan.
The EPA is currently undertaking regulations for New Source Performance Standards for wood stoves and for the first time ever, pellet stoves. The Alliance for Green Heat believes that if we want to see widespread deployment of pellet stoves in the US, like they have in Europe, a stricter standard is needed.
Rhode Island residents and legislators have some innovative ways to combat the residential hydronic boilers that are often highly polluting. H5783 required anyone selling or renting property with a traditional hydronic heater to remove it. The Alliance supported this bill but opposition by outdoor boilers companies prevented its passage.
Biomass: Sustainable, but "Never Carbon Neutral"
Recently, Vermonters have begun to think about forests in a new way: As renewable energy from waste wood products that can heat homes, campuses, and more. How much of the region can-or should be-harvested?
August 2011 - Biolite campstove, with USB charging
The Biolite stove is not only being utilized by backpackers who look to cut down on the fuel they carry, but also the companion homestove is revolutionizing cooking in developing countries. The Biolite stove can charge cell phones and LSD lights as well as producing heat that increases its usefulness across the board.
Many families are experiencing excessive wood smoke from a neighbor's outdoor wood furnace coming into their home. You would expect that there would be some agreed-upon process for resolving this kind of problem. There's not. Some families have been forced to move.
European wood and pellet stoves are making technological advances, offering more options for consumers. From heating water, to syncing with heat pumps and solar thermal systems, to using ducts to heat adjacent rooms, there is clearly a renaissance of development in both wood and pellet stoves in Europe.
Hydronic Heater Ads Misleading Consumers
Through the hydronic heater Phase 2 Partnership Agreement, outdoor boilers were testing at up to 99% efficiency. The Alliance for Green Heat calls on the EPA to disassociate the Phase 2 program from the now discredited efficiency numbers that are still being used by some manufacturers.
Reliable Pellet Stoves
Objective ratings of pellet stoves are nearly impossible to come by, but Scott Williamson, an independent pellet stove technician, kept meticulous repair histories from more than 5,000 house calls. He rates what he found to be four of the most reliable pellet stoves. He includes a Harman, a Lopi, an Enviro and, pictured left, the England Stove Works model 25-PDV.
October 2011 - Residential Heating Fuels Show Diverse Growth Patterns
Wood was the fastest growing heating fuel nationally but in some regions, electricity, natural gas, propane and even oil are experiencing rapid growth. Wood grew the fastest (+34.6%), followed by electricity (+26.8%) and natural gas (+4.9%), and both propane (-16%) and oil (-21.9%) declined. But regional differences abound. The map on the right shows where oil heat grew fastest in black, electricity in blue, gas in brown, propane in orange and wood in green.
Recently released U.S. Census figures show the number of households heating with wood grew 34% between 2000 and 2010, faster than any other heating fuel. In two states, households using wood as a primary heat source more than doubled - Michigan (135%) and Connecticut (122%). And in six other states, wood heating grew by more than 90% - NH (99%), MA (99%), ME (96%), RI (96%), OH (95%) and NV (91%). Numerous outlets, including the AP, USA Today and many other papers, covered the analysis done by the Alliance for Green Heat.
How to Get the Best Firewood for Clean and Affordable Energy
A clean burning, EPA certified stove is only half the equation. John Gulland, member of the Alliance's Board of Advisers, spells out why firewood is equally important to heating your home.
Deciding which woodstove to buy can be tough, even if you've been heating with wood for years and are simply looking for a replacement stove. John Gulland, writing for Mother Earth News, brings a fresh, important and independent perspective to the subject.
Senators Propose New Tax Credit up to $5,000
Senators Snowe, Bingaman and Feinstein introduced the "Cut Energy Bills at Home Act" which would give up to a $5,000 tax credit for performance-based home improvements. The bill, as written, makes biomass heaters eligible if savings can be calculated with approved energy efficiency software packages, such as RESNET, BPI or alternative software. The Alliance for Green Heat is working with Congressional offices and efficiency standards organizations to ensure that there will not be unforeseen barriers for biomass heaters. Currently, most energy efficiency software does not have sufficient ability to analyze performance and savings of biomass heaters.
February 2012 - Next Generation Wood Stove Design Challenge
The Next Generation Wood Stove Design Challenge will be launched later this month and run through the fall of 2013. We have been building an impressive list of partners to support it, lawyers to make sure we have dotted our "i"s and crossed our "t"s, and, maybe most importantly, reaching out to dozens of university engineering departments and stove manufactures.
Why Wood Stove Change-Out Programs Underperform
Change-out programs are now commonplace in the wood stove community, but often provide fewer benefits than expected and are very expensive. In assessing the effectiveness of change-out programs, the Alliance for Green Heat found a lack of rigorous analysis or debate about how to best achieve air quality improvements. In response, we offer four strategies that might improve change-out programs.
ÖkoFEN is working on the development of an heat and electricity-generating pellet boiler for private homes. The small CHP plant works with a stirling engine integrated in the pellet heating system. It is expected to deliver 1 kW of electrical energy and to cover the majority of the daily electricity consumption in a household. The stirling engine has low noise and emission levels and is extremely low carbon when operated with sustainably produced biomass.
Don't be fooled by advertisements claiming to sell Amish "Miracle Heaters". The company, Heat Surge, runs expensive, full-page advertisements for these heaters in prominent magazines and had a booth at the Atlanta Expo to sell their wares to hearth dealers. Despite claims, the company's heaters that sell for $200 or $300 put out the same amount of heat as a regular $40 electric heater.
The 2012 Atlanta Hearth Expo
If you like wood and pellet stoves, Atlanta was the place to see clean ones last week, like the ones that are burning in the picture to the left. But if you were looking for innovative new stoves, you would have been disappointed. Many manufacturers are still waiting to make sure they know what the new EPA emission numbers will be before bringing out new products.
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