In addition, the project will explore the integration of a
wood stove change out program into existing financing or incentive programs, as
well as a residential energy efficiency program that will significantly reduce
wood smoke emissions and address home comfort and air quality safety concerns.
“Woody biomass is an abundant renewable
heat feedstock which has been used by generations to provide low-cost heating
for homes across Pennsylvania. WPPSEF
seeks to better understand how older wood burning stoves can be replaced by
state-of-the art stoves that meet or exceeds EPA’s 2020 New Source Performance Standards
while ensuring the old stove is removed from the marketplace. WPPSEF is striving to develop a
cost-effective program that help homeowners replace their old wood stove and
while improving local air quality and home comfort” says Joel Morrison, Director of
The Alliance
for Green Heat promotes modern wood and pellet heating systems as a
low-carbon, sustainable and affordable energy solution. The Alliance works to
advance cleaner and more efficient residential heating technology, particularly
for low and middle-income families. Founded in 2009, the Alliance is an independent
non-profit organization and is tax-exempt under section 501c3 of the tax code.
The West Penn Power
Sustainable Energy Fund (WPPSEF) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit
organization that invests in the deployment of sustainable energy technologies
that benefit West Penn Power ratepayers in Pennsylvania. WPPSEF investments are
focused in three broad categories:
Deployment of sustainable and clean energy
Deployment of energy efficiency and conservation
technologies; and
Facilitating economic development, environmental
betterment, and public education as they relate to sustainable energy
deployment in the WPP service region.
Visit http://www.wppsef.org
for further information.
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