Alliance for Green Heat
Comments on
EPA’s Proposed Standards of Performance for New Residential Wood
Heaters, New Residential Hydronic Heaters and Forced-Air Furnaces, and New Residential
Masonry Heaters
Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OAR-2009-0734
April 30, 2014
The Alliance for Green Heat (Alliance), appreciates
the opportunity to comment on EPA’s proposed New Source Performance Standards
(NSPS) for wood heating devices.[1] The Alliance is an independent non-profit
organization that works with environmental and forestry organizations, air
quality experts, the wood and pellet stove industry, and others in the wood
burning community to promote high-efficiency wood combustion as a low-carbon,
sustainable, local and affordable heating solution. The Clean Air Act requires EPA to review and
revise, if appropriate, the NSPS at least every eight years. The Alliance strongly supports EPA’s decision
to update the standards for wood stoves and to require a number of previously
unregulated wood heating devices to reduce their emissions. We also believe that the new standards, which
reflect significant improvements in wood heating technology, are both
appropriate and long-overdue.
We have several suggestions for improving the
proposed NSPS, which we outline below.
In our comments on the NSPS, we make the
following points:
First, it is important to
recognize that wood heating is renewable heating and should be
acknowledged as such by the EPA.
· Second, the Alliance strongly
supports EPA’s decision to issue revised performance standards for wood stoves
and other wood and pellet heating appliances.
o The Alliance supports EPA’s decision to close existing loopholes
and to include all major categories of wood-fired heating devices in the new
performance standards. Previously
exempted devices and devices above Step One emission limits should not be “grandfathered.”
o The Alliance supports a nine-month sell through for certified
stoves that emit higher than Step One emission standards and a 2-year sell
through for boilers or furnaces that are EN303-5 certified or EPA qualified.
o In the next NSPS, the Alliance urges the EPA to regulate
uncertified, pre-1988 stoves as new sources if they are installed in a new
location. Doing so will help to hasten
the removal of the oldest, most polluting stoves from our airsheds.
o In the next NSPS, the Alliance also urges EPA to regulate
· Third, the Alliance believes that
the proposed emission limits, though reasonable, could be more stringent for
certain devices:
o Data from currently certified stoves appear to justify a more
technology-forcing, lower Step One performance standard for wood stoves.
o Pellet stoves are clearly capable of meeting a lower limit for
Step One. The majority of pellet stoves
certified by EPA are already emitting less than 2.5 grams per hour (g/hr).
o Forced air furnaces could achieve a Step One emission limit of .48
pounds per million BTUs (lbs/MMBTU), instead of the proposed .93 lbs/MMBTU. A
.48 standard corresponds to the pounds/MMBTU of a typical Washington approved wood
o In addition, although we believe a .06 lbs/MMBTU Step Two standard
for pellet boilers is justifiable, this limit may not be appropriate for cord
wood boilers, depending on the test method.
· Fourth, the Alliance strongly
supports a shorter, five-year implementation period for the NSPS. This deadline is both achievable and
reasonable given the state of wood heating technology today.
· Fifth, the Alliance believes that
credible testing and enforcement are essential components of any New Source
Performance Standard under the Clean Air Act (CAA).
o The Alliance supports the proposed transition to cord wood
testing, and calls on EPA to expand its cord wood testing program to obtain
additional information on the performance of existing wood stove models using
cord wood prior to promulgation of the final rule. Alternatively, we urge the EPA to commit to
re-examining the achievability of the Step Two standards for stoves that must
be certified on cord wood before those standards become effective.
o The Alliance urges EPA to establish a clearer path to
certification for advanced technologies like automated stoves. The Alliance is also encouraged by
ClearStak’s comments and urges EPA to consider some of the forward-thinking
ideas put forth in those comments.
o The Alliance supports EPA’s proposal to delegate some oversight
and enforcement authority to the states, and urges EPA to improve the capacity
of the Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance (OECA) to help ensure
that state enforcement programs are effective and that manufacturers and
retailers comply with the NSPS.
· Sixth and finally, the Alliance
believes that mandatory efficiency standards are needed. Greater efficiency is
particularly import to low-income wood stove users because it can lower their
heating bills by requiring less fuel to heat their homes. Nevertheless, the Alliance supports EPA’s
decision to gather more data on wood stove efficiency, with the understanding
that future NSPS would set mandatory efficiency standards.
o The Alliance strongly supports a requirement to post B415.1 HHV
efficiency numbers on all wood heating appliances on the market within six
months of the rule’s promulgation. Models
that are EN 303-5 certified or qualified by an EPA voluntary program should be
allowed to use HHV numbers until they become EPA certified.
o The Alliance opposes the elimination of the hangtag
requirement and urges EPA to consider additional consumer information resources
such as a Green Label and state incentives for changing out old stoves and
installing the most efficient new stoves.
o The Alliance agrees that both particulate matter (PM) and carbon
monoxide (CO) emissions data, as well as efficiency data, should not be
considered Confidential Business Information (CBI), and urges EPA to make
emissions and efficiency data about all four burn rates public on its website.
o The Alliance urges EPA to immediately begin requiring
manufacturers and labs to scan and electronically submit all paper data submissions,
even as the agency works to develop a more streamlined Electronic Reporting
Tool (ERT).
o Finally, to avoid misleading consumers further, EPA should also
remove the “default” emission factor column from its posted list of certified
wood stoves, and require manufacturers and retailers to stop using these
default factors in their advertising materials.
We appreciate your attention to our comments
and look forward to working with EPA to successfully implement this important
rule. The full text of our comments is
Standards of Performance for New Residential Wood Heaters, New Residential
Hydronic Heaters and Forced-Air Furnaces, and New Residential Masonry Heaters, 79
Fed. Reg. 6,329 (Feb. 3, 2014) [hereinafter “Proposed Rule”].